Russell Burke
Rulison, EL, KT Kerr, MC Dyer, S Han, RL Burke, JI Tsao and HS Ginsberg. 2015. Minimal role of eastern fence lizards in Borrelia burgdorferi transmission in central New Jersey oak/pine woodlands. Journal of Parasitology. 100:578-582.
Burke, RL and AM Calichio. 2014. Temperature sex determination in the Diamond-backed Terrapin, Malaclemys terrapin. Journal of Herpetology. 48:466-470.
Luiselli, L. M Capula, RL Burke, L Rugiero, D Capizzi. 2014. Sighting frequency decreases over the years in three populations of Testudo hermanni from central Italy. Biodiversity and Conservation. 23:3091-3100.
Kolbe, JJ, B Lavin, RL Burke, L Rugiero, M Capula, and L Luiselli. 2013. The desire for variety: Italian wall lizard (Podarcis siculus) populations introduced to the United States via the pet trade are derived from multiple native-range sources. Biological Invasions. DOI 10.1007/s10530-012-0325-7.
Rulison, EL, L Luiselli, and RL Burke. 2012. Habitat outweighs geography: the feeding strategies of a generalist carnivore, Procyon lotor, in salt marsh ecosystems. American Midland Naturalist. 168:231-246.
Muldoon, K.A. and R.L. Burke. 2012. Hatchling Diamond-backed Terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) movements, overwintering, and mortality at Jamaica Bay, New York. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 90:651-662.
Burke, RL and KL Yurewicz. 2012. The influence of body size, tail loss, body size, and burst speed on predation risk in the banded gecko (Coleonyx variegatus). Southwestern Naturalist. 57:87-91.
Burke, RL and W Capitano. 2011. Eastern box turtle, Terrapene carolina, neonate ecology on Long Island, New York. Chelonian Conservation and Biology. 10:256-259.
Del Vecchio, S, RL Burke, L Rugiero, M Capula, and L Luiselli. 2011. Seasonal changes in the diet of Testudo hermanni hermanni in central Italy. Herpetologica. 67:236-249.
Del Vecchio, S, RL Burke, L M Capula, and L Luiselli. 2011. The turtle is in the details: Microhabitat choice by Testudo hermanni is based on microscale plant distribution. Animal Biology. 61: 249-261.
Burke, RL and W Capitano. 2011. Nesting ecology and hatching success of the Eastern Box Turtle, Terrapene carolina, on Long Island, New York. American Midland Naturalist 165:137-142.
Filippi, E, L Rugiero, M Capula, RL Burke, and L Luiselli. 2010. Population and thermal ecology of Testudo hermanni hermanni in the Tolfa Mountains of central Italy. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 9:54-60.
Burke, RL, SM Felice, and SG Sobel. 2009. Raccoon (Procyon lotor) predation behavior changes affects turtle (Malaclemys terrapin) nest censuses. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 8:209-211.
Burke, RL and G Deichsel. 2008. Lacertid lizards introduced into North America: history and future. J.C. Mitchell, R.E. Jung, and B. Bartholomew (eds.). Pp. 347-353 In: Urban Herpetology. Herpetological Conservation Vol. 3, Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles.
Ner, S and RL Burke. 2008. Direct and indirect effects of urbanization on Diamondback terrapins of New York City: Distribution and predation of terrapin nests in a human-modified estuary. J.C. Mitchell, R.E. Jung, and B. Bartholomew (eds.). Pp. 107-117 In: Urban Herpetology. Herpetological Conservation Vol. 3, Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles.
Burke, RL, S Goldberg, C Bursey, S Perkins, and P Andreadis. 2007. Depauperate parasite fauna in introduced populations of Podarcis (Squamata: Lacertidae) lizards in North America. Journal of Herpetology. 41: 755-757.
Burke, RL, L Ford, E Lehr, P Pritchard, S Mockford, J Rosado, D Senneke, and BL Stuart. 2007. Non-standard sources in a standardized world: Responsible practice and ethics of acquiring turtle specimens for scientific use. Chelonian Research Monographs 4: 142-146.
Ashton, KG, RL Burke, and JN Layne. 2007. Geographic variation in clutch and body size of gopher tortoises. Copeia. 2007:355-363.
Ashton, KG, and RL Burke. 2007. Retention of a relocated population of gopher tortoises 17 years later. Journal of Wildlife Management. 71:783-787.
Ezaz,T, N Valenzuela, F Grützner, I Miura, A Georges, RL Burke, and JA Marshall Graves. 2006. An XX/XY sex microchromosome system in a freshwater turtle, Chelodina longicollis (Testudines: Chelidae) with genetic sex determination. Chromosome Research 14: 139-150.
Burke, RL and S Ner. 2005. Seasonal and Daily Activity Patterns of Italian Wall Lizards, Podarcis sicula campestris, in New York. Northeastern Naturalist. 12:349-360.
Burke, RL, C Schneider, and MT Dolinger. 2005. Cues used by raccoons to find turtle nests: Effects of flags, human scent, and diamond-backed terrapin sign. Journal of Herpetology. 39:312–315.
Feinberg, JA and RL Burke. 2003. Nesting ecology and predation of diamondback terrapins, Malaclemys terrapin, at Gateway National Recreation Area, New York. Journal of Herpetology. 37:517-526.
Starkey, DE, Burke, RL, Forstner, MRJ, Iverson, JB, Janzen, FJ, Rhodin, AGJ, Ultsch, GR, and HB Shaffer. 2003. Molecular systematics and phylogeography of the painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) Complex". Evolution. 57:119-128.
Burke, RL, AA Hussain, JM Storey, and KB Storey. 2002. Freeze tolerance and supercooling ability in the Italian wall lizard, Podarcis sicula, introduced to Long Island NY. Copeia. 2002:836-842.
Burke, RL and R Mercurio. 2002. Food habits of a New York population of Italian wall lizards, Podarcis sicula (Reptilia, Lacertidae). American Midland Naturalist. 147:368-375.
Oliverio, M, Burke, RL, Bologna, MA, Wirz, A, and P Mariottini. 2001. Molecular identification of native (Italy) and introduced (USA) Podarcis sicula populations (Reptilia, Lacertidae). Italian Journal of Zoology. 68:121-124.
Burke, RL, TE Leuteritz and AE Wolf. 1996. Phylogenetic relationships of Emydine turtles. Herpetologica. 52:572-584.
Burke, RL, ME Ewert, JB McLemore and DR Jackson. 1996. Temperature-dependent sex determination and hatching success in the gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus). Chelonian Conservation and Biology. 2:86-88.
Burke, RL and J Birch. 1996. White-tail deer adaptively skew offspring sex ratio. Ecological Research 10:351-357.
Burke, RL and L Little. 1995. Drosophila do not skew offspring sex ratio as predicted by Trivers-Willard. Journal of Insect Behavior 8:231-239.
Burke, RL 1994. Diurnal aggregation of banded geckos under field conditions. Southwest Naturalist 39:297-298.
Burke, RL, EJ Jacobson, M Degayner, and LJ Guillette. 1994. Non-invasive sex identification of juvenile gopher and desert tortoises (Genus: Gopherus). Amphibia-Reptilia 15:183-189.
Burke, RL 1993. Adaptive value of sex determination mode and offspring sex ratio bias in reptiles. Copeia 1993:854-859.
Burke, RL 1991. Relocations, repatriations, and translocations of amphibians and reptiles: Taking a broader view. Herpetologica 47:350-357.
Burke, RL, J Tasse, C Badgley, SR Jones, N Fishbein, S Phillips and ME Soulé. 1991. Conservation of the Stephens' Kangaroo rat (Dipodomys stephensi): Planning for persistence. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 90:10-40.
Burke, RL 1990. Conservation of the world’s rarest tortoise. Conservation Biology 4: 122-124.
Burke, RL 1989. Florida gopher tortoise relocation: Overview and case study. Biological Conservation 48:295-309.
Burke, RL 1989. Burrow to tortoise conversion factors: Comparison of three gopher tortoise survey techniques. Herpetological Review 20:92-94.
Burke, RL and J Cox. 1989. Evaluation and review of field techniques used to study and manage gopher tortoises. P. 205-215 In: Management of amphibians, reptiles and small mammals in North America. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report RM-166.
Burke, RL and SR Humphrey. 1987. Rarity as a criterion for endangerment in Florida fauna. Oryx 21:97-102.